My Personal Style Confidence Journey:

What I Wish I Knew Sooner

Envious has always been so much more than just pretty dresses for me. I can not describe the pure elation I feel when I see someone step out of the changing room, and that knowing glint in their eye…. they feel amazing.  

I have always adored fashion and pretty dresses, but lately, I have been thinking about why it is that I am so passionate about helping women understand their bodies and how to dress them. I think I have finally figured it out....

Becoming a young mum at 21, and having my 4 boys in my 20’s, was the best thing that ever happened to me. That being said, I was in a very different space compared to my friends. Our lives were very different, and while I was never very overweight, my body shape and confidence had absolutely changed. I was also trying to figure out ‘Should I dress differently now that I am a mom?’ - BTW the answer is a resounding “NO”, but it took me a little while to figure that out, more on that in another blog post. 🙂

I became the master of dressing to camouflage the bits I did not love about my body and highlighting the bits I liked. Skirts became my best friend, as my legs never carried weight so I preferred to dress to highlight them, while my tummy certainly needed toning, so I used to love a draped top, peplum top, or tucking a top in.

I did not realise it at the time, but I was honing my skills in the Mastery of Illusion Dressing, and little did I know that almost 20 years on, my career would be dedicated to helping other women who feel a little out of sorts with their style, finally understand that they too can take back some control.

Without a doubt fashion is not just about the clothes we wear; it is how they make you feel.

You know the feeling when you love what you are wearing - it truly is empowering. It makes you walk that little bit taller. It will help you step into that photograph with your kids. It gives you back a little bit of control, in a world where there is so much out of our control.

The journey to finding my style, but more importantly, my confidence, has taught me that style is not static; it evolves as we do. But we do have the power to take control of it. 

Please stop waiting. 

Stop waiting until the kids are a little older.

Stop waiting to lose those few pounds.

Stop waiting to get that new job.

Life is literally passing us by and it really is for living right now.

Love Always,
Nichola. Xxx

PS. If you want to learn more about how we can work together, you can check out our Styling Packages >>>HERE 

Or feel free to pop me an email at >>>HERE , always happy to chat!